
Maybe Someday Future WOW moment -- earthquake drill

Moj_ Patti
on 11/13/08 12:44 am - Where the Jackalopes Roam, CA
Another good reason for WLS: I am soooo looking forward to the day post op when thinking about an earthquake drill won't make me sick to my stomach.

I worry about cramming myself under my desk. I don't fit so well. And I worry about falling and hurting myself. And then the embarassment when I pull myself up. I sit right by the exit door, so everyone will be walking by on their way out the door.

Then we go outside and stand around. Or I can sit in the sand next to a creosote bush.

I know in a real event, this discomfort will be nothing. But whining a little makes me feel better.

Anyone else dreading this?


One food makes you larger, and one food makes you small... 
Diane C.
on 11/13/08 6:35 am - Highland, CA
Whether Fat or skinny, when a quake hits. I run like the wind!!!!!  Don't worry, you will do fine, and don't worry about what might happen in the future, you could be a thin 150 by the time the big one hits!

on 11/13/08 7:07 am - San Dimas, CA
Patti,   I know exactly what you mean, and I know if it was the real event we all would act differently and not care as much. Also, it’s ok to whine!!!  I would never get under my desk for the fear of not being able to get up. I would even go down stairs to the parking lot early just to get outside before the drill so I didn’t have to walk down 4 flights of stairs, for the fear of what people would be saying or just being out of breath.   But, I have to say this year was much different. After loosing 105 pounds in the past 7 months… I proudly went under my desk and walked down the stairs and even took the stair back up to my desk and felt GREAT about it. I am sure know one noticed, but boy was I excited….The best WOW moments of the day!!!    I am excited for you to have your surgery and have the same feeling as I had this morning.   Good luck and Best wishes to your up coming surgery!!!

Moj_ Patti
on 11/13/08 8:46 am - Where the Jackalopes Roam, CA
My feet hurt, but it's all over.

Thank you for your comments.

One food makes you larger, and one food makes you small... 
Diane C.
on 11/13/08 2:07 pm - Highland, CA
Hey I really understand the pain you are going through.  I have lost a total of 170 and still need more and I see you have 228 that you are shooting for.  Don't worry about it, you have a great surgeon, you will see great success.  Just hang in there, like I said, you could be 150 by the time the big one gets here.  I have been waiting for the big one for over 30 years....still waiting.  Wishing you good luck.  Hang tough Patti
